Friday, February 29, 2008


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Our Potential has a self imposed lid on it

The lid is based on our current development as a leader, as a person…

Whatever is happening good and bad is attracted by our current development

To change our current potential we must improve our development as a person.

The very nature of a human being is to have unending potential…God designed us this way but it is up to us to constantly discover more of our potential…It is found through being intentional about our development.

Current Development = Current Potential

In the pursuit of our development we develop more potential for all that we want to accomplish and all that God wants us to be.

Our personal development creates new levels of potential for us…self development and implementing what we are learning is the key to growth.

This is why we feel certain levels of confidence about achieving things…We may want things but not feel confidence in achieving them….think of your goals for 2008 and dreams beyond….

If we don’t seek personal growth our potential stays right were we are in our own eyes. Our view of our potential keeps us here…in our comfortable place

It takes a proactive approach to growing personally…It doesn’t happen automatically……choosing the right books to read, calling people and asking questions, putting plans on paper and thinking through them….implementing what we are learning constantly…..

Why do people come up so short from their goals….they didn’t grow to the level of the goals…they didn’t commit to that growth before the year even started.


It’s okay not to feel confident…our confidence grows as we do things that cause us to grow …confidence is found through action…Action must come before confidence most of the time. This is why so many stagnate in their growth as people because this is hard to do. It’s hard to make yourself take action when we don’t feel the confidence to do so.

I believe this is easier when you surrender to the Lord because when we are walking close with the Lord there is less to worry about. In fact the closer we are to Jesus the less we worry. The opposite is also true..the more distant we are from Him the more we worry. The more self absorbed we become…focusing on our fears vs what we want or even better what God wants for us. Focusing on our challenges vs our opportunity..focusing on existence vs thriving working for the lord…

See it’s a huge advantage for people that have a relationship with God because the less about us our lives are the more we charge ahead with faith instead of our personal confidence. We get used to living by faith vs our own capabilities. It’s an amazing way to live, with a faith in our creater we can rely upon Him vs ourselves. What an amazing opportunity to rest upon the Lord…to push forward despite our insecurities because we know God is with us and God is for us.

This is a major difference between those that truly love life and don’t. We love life when we are forging new ground, when we are stimulated, when we are developing. We love life when we are close to God and doing his work in all we do.

The biggest excuse people use is the lack of time…I tell people I will have read 30 books by year end…the common response is “I just don’t have the time to do that”. The biggest mistake people make is to not find time for their own development. What’s amazing about time is when we make time for our development it creates time. How? We have more energy and passion in all that we do when we are growing so things don’t take so long. We become twice as effective as we were.

So much time is wasted by our lack of passion and energy. Without passion and energy we waste time with unimportant tasks that create the least amount of results. We don’t do the most important things but feel we are working hard. People make this same excuse about reading the bible consistently. What’s amazing is when we put God first, when we give him our firsts…Our first fruits, the first of our time…he blesses that.

If you say “I don’t have enough time to read the bible daily” I would say back “That’s exactly why you need to do it daily so you get more time” It’s a paradox isn’t it..the very thing we use as an excuse is the thing we get blessed with more of if we just did it.

So as 2007 comes to a close think about the year. How have you grown this year? Are you happy with that? What were your goals at the beginning of the year? How did you do? If you are far from what you would of liked to have happen in 2007 then I think you will agree it’s time for a change. It’s time to get angry..get to a point of disgust about it so we do something about it that’s drastic.

We’ve gotta get disturbed before we make real life changes. Get serious about your growth in 2008. It’s a clean slate, a brand new year that can be our best year ever.

In fact I started a journal this time last year…On the first page I wrote “This will be my best year ever” I then made commitments for the new year, dreams and goals. This has been the most extraordinary year of my life. Why because I got intentional about how the year was going to be, committed to paper. Shared them with people and pursued them daily.

It’s time to be unreasonable

• About what you are willing to do

• About not joining the crowd

• About your personal development

• About your vision

• About your relationship with Christ

• About the moment, we must choose growth in the moment